Write to table.



Sorry for this qustion but I am access-vb beginner.

I have form with subform. I need by vb code read/write data directly to a
table. I know column name and I have uniqe row number.
How can I do it.

thanks for your help!

P.S. if you know good web page for access-vb dummies, let me know.


The code:

For a New records:

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM City WHERE City_ID=0", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
rs("City_ModifyDate") = Now
rs("City_ModifyUser_ID") = m_User.Id

==> For an existing records change the 0 => WHERE City_ID=" &
and do not use AddNew but Edit
Note: You can also use e.g. rs!City_ModifyDate instead of the notation above

Or you can use direct SQL in your code:

Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
cnn.Execute "UPDATE " & tableName & " SET active=true , createDate=now(),
Createuser_ID=1 WHERE ID=" & TheIdYouWant


Kind Regards
e: info at dampee.be
w: http://www.dampee.be

John Vinson

Sorry for this qustion but I am access-vb beginner.

I have form with subform. I need by vb code read/write data directly to a
table. I know column name and I have uniqe row number.
How can I do it.

Several ways - but using a bound form is generally much the simplest

Could you explain a bit more? What are the Recordsources of the form
and the subform? What data do you want written, into what table? One
record per episode, or will you be writing multiple records at once?

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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