write to external workbook from userform



from an excel 2003 userform, how could i write data entered, to an existing
external workbook?


Either add a save button to the userform or write a trigger for when an
entry is changed. The value of the entered data can be accessed by
-myControl.Value - where -myControl- is the name of the control that
was used (for example -TextBox1-, the default name for the first
textbox you add to the userform). To open a workbook, you can use
-Workbooks.Open(filepath)-. To give yourself easy access to this new
workbook, you can create a static variable as a workbook (-Static
myWorkbook As Workbook-) and then assign the opened workbook to that
variable (-Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(filename)-). Now you can do
whatever you want with that workbook. Hope that helps, let me know if I
confused you or if I completely missed your question.

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