Write conflict



Hi All

Arrrrrrg! Can anyone help me get rid of the write conflict? I cannot figure
out why it's occuring. Senario is as follows. (This all worked fine on the
old version with only one date field)

Form A has two date fields that if clicked load up Form B with the calendar
The date is then chosen and this value is placed in the start or enddate
field on Form A easy!

For troubleshooting I have used to different calendar forms as originaly the
control source swapped
depending on which field had fired off the load event (but it makes no

I KEPT getting a write conflict after Form B had closed when inputing the
second date (No matter whether or not start or enddate was clicked first)

This was fixed by forcing a requery and refresh of Form A in the close event
of Form B

But now if I try to edit another txtfield on Form A I get a write
conflict.....however it seems not to occur if I wait a while before doing
any edits <this should give a clue.

Any help much appreciated..the project has to be installed tommorow!


Albert D. Kallal

Right before you launch the calendar form, do a


You can't use a requery..as that will re-set your form to the first record,
and loose its place. So, just use a me.refresh BEFORE you launch that
calendar form (no doubt, that cal form is model...and perhaps might be

So, the trick is simply to write the record to disk BEFORE any other process
(or another form) tries to modify it.


Many thanks Albert

Also see 'weird write conflict issue'

Apologies to group for the doublepost

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