Write Conflict window when doing an update



I am using Access97 on a small 100 record database and
would like to avoid the "Write Conflict" window popping up
when I edit a record. I am the only user of this database.

I have a subform that loads by quering for item numbers
and their prices. I am trying to use the AfterUpdate event
to record the current date in a "last_modified_date" field
when I edit a price. The event is working but the "Write
Conflict" always pops up. What am I missing ? I have not
changed any of the default options of the mdb.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Allen Browne

Using the form's AfterUpdate event means that you immediately dirty the
record as soon as it is saved. Then it needs saving again, which triggers
Form_AfterUpdate, which dirties the record, so it needs saving again, and so

Use Form_BeforeUpdate instead.


I still get the "Write Conflict" ater putting the
following code in the BeforeUpdate event :
Private Sub Text11_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "Update quote_detail SET last_modified_date
= " & "#" & Date & "#" & _
" where quote_id = " & _
Forms!frmMain!txtQuoteID & " and partno
= " & "'" & Me.Text7 & "';"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Sub

Allen Browne

Is [last_modified_date] in the same table as your subform?
If so, there is no need to write the value with a SQL statement.
Just set the value of the field in Form_BeforeUpdate.

Me.last_modified_date = Now()

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