write conflict: This record has been changed by another user ...




we're using Access97 as frontend to a Oracle db. In Access we have a
bound form which is using a Dynaset as source, global locking and form
locking is off.

All worked well until yesterday. We dublicated some records for a new
session in the Oracle db and since then some of these records cannot
be edited from Access. An error occurs: "This record has been changed
by another user since you started editing...". We are in a single-user
environment, so there's no other user, and no second form has opened
the same table. The Oracle table contains just a few string and number

I tried to delete and re-insert the records in the Oracle, I compacted
and repaired the Access frontend db - no success.

Does anybody know what's wrong here?



Don't know about the bit fields, my problem was caused by the float
values in the db. They contained to many digits for Access to handle
correctly so I did a SQL to round them all to 10 digits and anything
was ok.

Thanks for your help


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