Daniel Andrade
How can I write a C# code inside a javascript code, before body tag, as
we wrote in classic asp?
(I have a code file separated with a lot of C# code)
I would like anything like this:
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
int x = 0;
// Load Data Table
DataTable rs = fnTabelaGradeCartas();
// Load the grid with recordset
foreach (DataRow cLinha in rs.Rows)
Response.Write (".active-column-" + x.ToString() +
" {width: 80px; text-align: right;}");
.active-grid-column {border-right: 1px solid threedshadow;}
.active-grid-row {border-bottom: 1px solid
But the cod inside <% %> tags is ignorated
How could I write any c# code there?
Can I write this using the behind code or I must use like classic asp?
How can I write a C# code inside a javascript code, before body tag, as
we wrote in classic asp?
(I have a code file separated with a lot of C# code)
I would like anything like this:
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
int x = 0;
// Load Data Table
DataTable rs = fnTabelaGradeCartas();
// Load the grid with recordset
foreach (DataRow cLinha in rs.Rows)
Response.Write (".active-column-" + x.ToString() +
" {width: 80px; text-align: right;}");
.active-grid-column {border-right: 1px solid threedshadow;}
.active-grid-row {border-bottom: 1px solid
But the cod inside <% %> tags is ignorated
How could I write any c# code there?
Can I write this using the behind code or I must use like classic asp?