World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware ?



Al said:
Oh, they will. At you and those like you. Not Americans - we're a
country of believers, and the more ridiculous the claim, the harder we
cling to the belief.

Right. Like humans co-existed with dinosaurs for example. Hahahahahhaah !

Your loony Christian right is great for a giggle !


John Jay Smith

Bugs Bunny for your information is an extreamly clever
and talented character....

Please read the "history of animation" to see how Bugs was born and

Oh I forgot.. you never study before you blabber!

Al Klein

Al Klein wrote:
Right. Like humans co-existed with dinosaurs for example. Hahahahahhaah !
Your loony Christian right is great for a giggle !

A giggle for you - unfortunately for us they're propelling us, faster
and faster, into third world status. Pi = 3.0? "The bible says it
and ..." Try doing some mechanical engineering using that number. :(

Al Klein

Bugs Bunny for your information is an extreamly clever
and talented character....

Bugs Bunny, for your information, was pure fiction, therefore had no
Please read the "history of animation" to see how Bugs was born and

The cartoon character, Kenny. Cartoons are make-believe.


Hello, John Jay Smith!
You said:
Guys Free energy (this is what its all about) exists...

I have studied the matter extensively... this is no
joke matter. We could all have free energy (meaning that we would pay very
little to make the machines that would produce it but the energy itself
would be free).

This energy does not pop out of nowhere... since you cannot break the Law of
conservation of Energy. Its a different thing.. but I cannot go through it

So this would freewhere?