Worksheet name problem



I use excel driver to retrieve the data (not allowed to use excel object
libaray), the worksheet name seems cannot contain any space(ie. "worksheetname"
but not "worksheet name") . Is this can be solved ?

cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties='Excel
8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1';Data Source=........"

cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

sSQL = "select * from ['worksheetname$'A1:B10]"

rs.Open sSQL, cn



The worksheet name should be able to include spaces if you enclose it
in speechmarks the same as if you were referencing it any other time in
Otherwise try refering to the sheet directly via it's (name) rather
than it's name, eg sheet1.
For instance, ,although Sheet1 is renamed "User Data", it can still be
referred to explicity as Sheet1 without the speechmarks, as long as
it's (name) has not been changed.
If this doesn't make sense, open VBA and view the properties for any
sheet, you should see (Name) at the top of the list and Name just after

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