Worksheet menu bar



My menu bar (File, Edit, Insert, etc) is "shaded" or greyed out and I cannot
access them. I can add a command icon to the bar and access that. Happens
with no file open or with any file open. Any ideas?

Gord Dibben

Try to right-click on a toolbar and Customize>Toolbars>Worksheet Menu Bar>Reset

If no joy with that, with Excel closed, do a file search for your *.XLB file.

When you find it, rename to *.xlbold.

Ignore the warning message.

Re-start Excel.

Any luck with that?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

Try rightclicking on an empty spot in any of the other toolbars.
Select customize
Select the Toolbars Tab
Select worksheet menu bar
Click Reset

If you've customized that toolbar, you'll have to do it again.


Thanks for both replys. Im pretty sure I tried the reset but I will try it
again. If not I will try the other option. Thanks

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