Worksheet Column Labels ... Alphabet or Numeric ?




When I open myBook.xls, the worksheet column labels are displayed, for a
mysterious reason, as 1, 2, 3, ..., etc.
Now, while myBook.xls is open, when I open any other w/b or even a new w/b,
its column labels are displayed also as 1, 2, 3, ...

Close everything. Now open a w/b that, for whatever reason, displays its
column labels as A, B, C, ..., and re-open myBook.xls. The latter now
displays the column labels as A, B, C, ...

1. Could you please advise on why this is happening ??
2. Are the w/s column labels (alphabet, numeric, Greek symbols, etc.) an
aplication option or a w/b setting ??
3. Where is this option selected, if any ??

Thank you kindly.


Hi Monir. After you open a file, all subsequent files that you open will
have the same characteristics. Go to the Tools menu, Options and select the
General tab. When the Column labels are numeric the R1C1 reference style box
is checked. Uncheck it. HTH

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