Works 4.5a..Word & XP.. mail Merge



On my old computer with Windows 98 I installed Works 4.5a.
then whilst in Word I could mail merge my address book to
print out labels.
I purchased a new computer with XP and transfered my
Works 4.5a onto my new computer.
Unfortunately I am now unable to Mail Merge from my
original address book to print out labels. My new
computer does not seem to recognise my old address book
to allow me to mail merge. This happens when I am in Word
or try doing it in Works.
I have looked through all (well I think all) of the help
pages but am unable to locate one that mentions this
Can you please help or direct me in the correct direction
for a cure to this problem?
Thank you very much.

R. McCarty

Windows Address Book (.Wab) are unique to each user
profile. If your previous address book is a .Wab then you
can export the data from it or simply copy it to the correct
location, so that Windows XP uses it.
Go to the old PC and locate the .Wab file and copy it to
a floppy. On your XP machine do a search for .Wab. The
correct one will be found at
C:\Documents and Settings\'YourAccountName'\
Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book
and copy the 'Original' Wab to that exact location.


Thank you for your reply. From my searches so far and
info given me this address book is not a WAB file. It is
an address book that stands by itself in Works 4.5a.
Hope this makes sense and you can still help me.

Ron Sommer

The Works Address Book is a database file (.wdb).
In Works, Tools, Options, Address Book tab, find out which file is used for
the Address Book.
Move that file to XP and go into Works, Tools, Options, Address Book tab and
choose that file.

I use that Works feature to address one or several envelopes.

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