Working with dates in excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter boschuster50
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I am trying to create a formula that will take a date in a list, display the
month and day of that list, and calculate the year from a different list to
add 1 year. Returning the date of the first list's month and day, and 1 year
added to the year of the second list.
Sorry, I'm confused too! 8o)
example: Today's date would be 6/19/08
List 1 list 2 Answer I'm
looking for
1/5/01 2/8/07 1/5/08
2/8/05 5/16/07 2/8/08
6/15/04 6/25/08 6/15/09
6/25/04 6/12/05 6/25/06
5/12/06 6/25/07 5/12/08
Assuming List 1 in column A, and List 2 in Column B

In C2: =DATE(YEAR(B2)+1,MONTH(A2),DAY(A2))

copy down as far as needed
Thanks, but I need it to advance 1 year if the date in B is after today's
date. Any idea's? I've playing with this for quite some time now with no
luck. I believe I found the correct formula but when I type it in, the
formula displays in the cell, not the result. Other formulas I've tried have
results displaying the last day of the previous month.
Thanks, but I need it to advance 1 year if the date in B is after today's
date. Any idea's? I've playing with this for quite some time now with no
Do you mean advance 1 year ONLY if the date in B is after today?
Because mama's formula does just that, advances the year by one.
luck. I believe I found the correct formula but when I type it in, the
formula displays in the cell, not the result. Other formulas I've tried have
results displaying the last day of the previous month.

Sounds like you had a typo in your formula, like no "=" at the
Sorry my original question appears to have left that part out.
If the date in B is prior to today, add 1 year (with the month & day of A)
If the date in B is after today, the year would remain the same (with the
month & day of A)