working out vat and displaying it



this is my first post so bear with me lol

i have a excel sheet which i want to put in a vat working out and cant get
it to do what i want i can get it to add vat total but that it

i have 2 amounts in I43 and I45 i want to add these 2 together then add vat
but display only the vat in I47 then add I43 , I45 and vat in I47 and shown
in I49 can this be done ?


David Biddulph

If your VAT rate is in cell I1, then in I47 you want the formula
=(I43+I45)*I1, and in I49 you want =I43+I45+I47 [or you could use
=(I43+I45)*(1+I1) ]

John Google

this is my first post so bear with me lol

i have a excel sheet which i want to put in a vat working out and cant get
it to do what i want i can get it to add vat total but that it

i have 2 amounts in I43 and I45 i want to add these 2 together then add vat
but display only the vat in I47 then add I43 , I45 and vat in I47 and shown
in I49 can this be done ?


The formula for I47 should be:


Assuming VAT of 17.5% in the UK.

The formula for I49 should be:


I hope this helps.

Gord Dibben

With values in I43 and I45 enter these in I47 and I49

=SUM(I43:I45)*0.1 where vat is 10%


Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


CHEERS!!! both of you

done it , that easy when you know how lol
i had a lot longer sum than that lol


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