Working Excel 2007 pivot table, want just text to show on the pivo



I have an excel 2007 work sheet with Columns A, B and C. Using the Pivito
Wizard, I put drag "Column A" into the "Row Labels" box and "Column B" into
the "Column Labels" box.

My question is, when put "Column C" into the "Values" box, is it possible to
have just the text inserted and no mathematical function performed.

Is this Excell Pivot Table the correct function to use or is there another
means excel to accomplish this task.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Sef,
My question is, when put "Column C" into the "Values" box, is it possible to
have just the text inserted and no mathematical function performed.

Maybe you get what you are after by dragging col C into the row labels too?


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

Roger Govier


The Values area will not show Text.
If you add a field contain Text to the Values area, the PT will give a
Count of the items.

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