
I am trying to do something that I think should be fairly easy, but I am not
able to accomplish it. I am trying to open two dbase files in one workbook.
The first one opens up just fine and adds a new worksheet for the next dbase
file to go to. But the second dbase file opens up into a new workbook of its

i have about ten dbase files output from ArcView GIS that I wanted to open
into one Excel workbook for analytical purposes.
Here is my code:

Public Sub OpenDBF()
'The next two lines open listings.dbf and add a new sheet. It works fine.
Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\temp\listings.dbf"

'this next line opens a new workbook and opens housing.dbf.
'I want both dbase files in one workbook. But it opens a new workbook
instead of putting it into one singular workbook with "listings.dbf"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\temp\housing.dbf"

End Sub

Please help

Dave Peterson

Option Explicit
Public Sub OpenDBF()
dim CombWkbk as workbook
dim TempWkbk as workbook
dim DBFNames as variant
dim iCtr as long

dbfnames = array("listings", "housing", "something", "anotherthing")

set combWkbk ="c:\temp\" & dbfnames(lbound(dbfnames)) & ".dbf")

for ictr = lbound(dbfnames)+1 to ubound(dbfnames)
set tempwkbk ="c:\temp\" & dbfnames(ictr) & ".dbf")
tempwkbk.worksheets(1).copy _
tempwkbk.close savechanges:=false
next ictr

End Sub

(untested, uncompiled!)



Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I input the code into VBA exactly as
you directed and it worked. I then pulled out one of my old programming books
from school and dug into arrays. I am not a programmer but I would really
like to learn to solve problems on my own. The way you approached the problem
gave me some food for thought as well.

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