Workbook Open not triggering



The following procedure does not trigger when I open the workbook.
I tried both as read only and NOT read only. It works great when I step
thru it (F8). It would seem to me to be a problem in the This Workbook
Module, but I don't really know what to look for.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' IF File is Read Only, Call SaveAs_Message to 'force' New File Name
' If NOT Read Only, then exit procedure

If ThisWorkbook.ReadOnly = True _
Then Call SaveAs_Message _
Else: Exit Sub
End Sub

Option Explicit
Sub SaveAs_Message()
Dim Msg As String, Title As String
Dim Config As Integer, Ans As Integer
Msg = " This is a 'READ ONLY' File"
..................... blah, blah, blah,
Msg = Msg & "Selecting CANCEL will STOP this Process and CLOSE
this file "
Title = "XXXXXXX W A R N I N G ! !"
Config = vbOKCancel + vbCritical = vbButton1
Ans = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)
If Ans = vbOK Then Call SaveAs_Process
End Sub

Sub SaveAs_Process()
' Bring up the Save As Dialog Box
End Sub


As a first check I would reset my events.

sub ResetEvent
Application.enableEvents = true
end sub

Run the above procedure and then try re-opening your spreadsheet. If
anywhere in your world you have disabled events without re-enabling them
again then your events will not fire until you reset them... This is why you
should always have an error handler to reset your events in case some of your
code crashes. You also want to be carefull debugging, that you reset events
if you prematurely end your code. The other way to loose your events is if
you have an MDX Addin (from Microsoft I believe) called "Cube Analysis" which
can turn your events off without turning them back on again...


It works on my computer.
Workbook_open is fired.
Put any MsgBox to Workbook_Open to see if it is fired.
Copy code as a text to a new file and check.
Do you have auto_open macro somewhere?

Dave Peterson

How do you open this workbook?

If you're opening via another macro that uses a shortcut key, remove the shift
key from that shortcut key combination.


Thank you All:
Jim: Turns out you hit the nail right on the head.
NONE of my codes have error handling, etc. in them.
This is something I'm going to have to learn about
and include in each code.

Thanks for the eye opener.

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