workbook contents



Hi I am trying to dynamically backup a workbook with the backup bein
named according to the month. I have this code so far:


Public Sub createBackup()
'this sub will create a monthly backup of AUI to be stored on the server

'call getMonth sub

'save the workbook as AUI(Year)monthDigit(monthText)
Dim backupFolderName As String
Dim backupFileName As String
Dim backupFile As String
Dim backupFileContents As Variant

'define backupFolderName based on excel sheet info
backupFolderName = thisWorkBook.Sheets("Calculation Info").Range("H7").Value

'define backupFileName
cleanName = Replace(thisWorkBook.Name, ".xls", "")
backupFileName = cleanName & " - " & monthDigit & " (" & monthText & ")" & ".xls"

'define backupFile
backupFile = backupFolderName & backupFileName

'define backupFileContents
backupFileContents = "what do I put here?"

Open backupFile For Output As #2
Write #2, backupFileContents
Close #2

'MsgBox ("Backedup AUI as: ")
End Sub


I just need to know how to reference all the contents of the workboo
that I am backing up. Everything including the vb scripts attached t
the workbook.

Thanks for your hel


sorry, I am able to save a copy of my workbook as I described earlie
however I now have a couple problems:

1. I don't want to open the book that was just saved using saved as.
would like it to not open at all if possible.

2. I want the book that I am creating a copy of to stay open and no
close if possible.

Thanks a lot bro'


ignore my last post I finally got smart and used SaveCopyAs

sorry for the trouble and thanks for the hel

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