Work offline dialog box?


Jack Ruggan

I have a device that connects to our our server via rj45 only thru IE6.
when I remove the rj45 a dialog box pops up saying would your like to work
offline or try again. I never want that dialog box to come up, let it keep
trying again. or always think it has a good lan connection, otherwise
someone might click work offline and then we are hosed and need a reboot.
This issue only started in SP2.

Any ideas on what to do? I have disable the sp2 windows firewall and
unchecked it from the setting under networking. Since dialup networking is
a required component I can't get rid of that.




I don't really know where the problem is as I didn't quite understand why you wouldn't expect the Offline Mode dialog coming up if
you unpluged the network jack.

But remembering some changes in functionality on SP2 I'd like to suggest you to disable the new SP2 Slow Link Speed policy.
Set [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\NetCache],"GoOfflineOnSlowLink"=dword:0 and see if it helps not getting the

Also, I'd suggest you to check permissions of [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "GlobalUserOffline"
key and trying to always keep it set to 0. Or with an API call like:
ici.dwConnectedState = INTERNET_STATE_CONNECTED;
InternetSetOption(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE, &ici, sizeof(ici));

Let us know if it helps.


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