WordBasic --- Insert command text limit



I am using following code to insert text into the word document, using VB
from excel.

Any text which has length more than 240 characters is not getting inserted
into the document.

Any suggestions, if highly appreciated.


Sub GenerateADRFinding()

' Dimension the variables.
Dim PokeRange As Object
Dim Chan As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim temps As String
Dim insertS As String

' Create an range object to poke.
Set PokeRange = Range("CheckList!a1")

' Initiate a channel to Word using a file as the topic.
Chan = DDEInitiate("WinWord", templateFile)

' Execute a few WordBasic commands.
DDEPoke Chan, "\StartOfDoc", PokeRange

i = 0
Do While i < 240 9 '(> 240 does not work)

temps = temps & "1"
i = i + 1

insertS = "[Insert "" " & temps & " "" ]"""

DDEExecute Chan, insertS
'DDEExecute Chan, "[FileSaveAll]"
DDEExecute Chan, "[FileExit]"

' Terminate the DDE channel.
DDETerminate Chan

Brad Shook

You need to use a string builder object instead of the string object.
Imports System.Text

dim str as new StringBuilder

i = 0
Do While i < 999

i = i + 1

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