Wordart in '07



Running excel 2007 on xp-sp2/vista-sp1.
Upgrading a few computers from office '03 to Office '-07. We have a very
very customized add-on we use for almost our entire daily routine. The
problem is we use word art extensively in it and in Office '07 the way
Wordart is filled with color has changed, and I've been unable to find the
correct method for it now. Recording a macro does nothing as it doesn't
record creating the wordart. My current method is (from '03)

ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextEffect(texteff, stamptext, "Arial Black", fntsize,
msoFalse, msoFalse, stampleft, stamptop + zgh).Select
With Selection
..ScaleWidth stampscalewide, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
..ScaleHeight stampscaleheight, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
..Fill.Solid = True
..Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(opts(1), opts(2), opts(3))
..Line.Visible = msoFalse
End With

All this does now is fill in the background behind the text, which
completely breaks the way we use wordart. I can't seem to find the correct
method for leaving the background transparent, and filling the text itself
with color. Any help would be most appreciated.

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