Word-XP graphics, pictures not displaying in full



We've just upgraded to office-XP and on some PCs graphics, pictures are not displaying in full, lines are missing etc, the whole thing does eventyally display if you page-up and down a few times. It does print OK

Any ideas what might cause this.


Shauna Kelly

Hi Julie

There are two possibilities.

One is that the graphics driver on the machine needs to be updated. Go to
the website of the manufacturer of your monitor and download the latest

Second is that Office XP likes more memory than previous versions. If you've
updated to Office XP on old machines with little memory, then it can be slow
when dealing with large files.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

JulieG said:
We've just upgraded to office-XP and on some PCs graphics, pictures are
not displaying in full, lines are missing etc, the whole thing does
eventyally display if you page-up and down a few times. It does print OK


This can also be caused by having hardware accelleration set to less than FULL:

(Right click on desktop\properties\settings tab\advanced button\troubleshoot
button\drag the slider to "Full".

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