Word & WordPerfect on WinXP Pro SP1

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I have a Dell desktop purchased in 2004, came with WordPerfect Productivity
Pack installed, which I promptly deleted as I had Office 2003 and have used
Word exclusively for the past 12 years. Because of a client necessity, I need
to reinstall WordPerfect (WP11). Can these two programs coexist on WinXP
without issues and do you have any recommendations as to the best place or
way to install WP to avoid any potential problems?
MrsMac said:
I have a Dell desktop purchased in 2004, came with WordPerfect
Productivity Pack installed, which I promptly deleted as I had Office 2003
and have used Word exclusively for the past 12 years. Because of a client
necessity, I need to reinstall WordPerfect (WP11). Can these two programs
coexist on WinXP without issues and do you have any recommendations as to
the best place or way to install WP to avoid any potential problems?

Was Word Perfect pre-installed? If so, do you have the WP CD or do you only
have a recovery CD? if the latter you will run into a problem, as it will
restore your machine to factory gate specs.
Yes, WP was pre-installed. I have a CD entitled "WordPerfect Productivity
Pack" and labeled Corel OEM. The paper insert with the CD says the CD
includes WordPerfect11 and QuattroPro 11. On the back it says, "Warning. This
is Corel OEM Back Up Media. This CD ROM is for use only by the End User in
conjunction with their purchase of a Dell PC with WordPerfect Productivity
Pack pre-installed. This kit is back up media to be used only for the
reinstallation of your software on a Dell PC, if required." Then more
discussion about licensing, etc.
There are no potential problems having WordPerfect run along side MS
MrsMac said:
I have a Dell desktop purchased in 2004, came with
WordPerfect Productivity Pack installed, which I promptly
deleted as I had Office 2003 and have used Word exclusively
for the past 12 years. Because of a client necessity, I
need to reinstall WordPerfect (WP11). Can these two
programs coexist on WinXP without issues and do you have
any recommendations as to the best place or way to install
WP to avoid any potential problems?

Yes, they can co-exist fine. You may experience some system
slowdowns if/when they run at the same time, but that works, too.

MrsMac said:
I have a Dell desktop purchased in 2004, came with WordPerfect
Productivity Pack installed, which I promptly deleted as I had Office
2003 and have used Word exclusively for the past 12 years. Because of
a client necessity, I need to reinstall WordPerfect (WP11). Can these
two programs coexist on WinXP without issues

Yes. I'm basically a WordPerfect user, but I also have Word 2003 installed
for compatbility purposes. I'm currently running the latest version of
WordPerfect, X3, but I've had Word coexisting with all versions of
WordPerfect going back at least as far as WordPerfect 8.0

and do you have any
recommendations as to the best place or way to install WP to avoid
any potential problems?

There's nothing special I'm aware of that needs to be done.