Word to PDF: cross-reference links lost



Using Acrobat 5, tried both PDFWriter and Distiller to convert Word to PDF. Neither method gives me hot cross-reference links (sounds tasty!).

What am I doing wrong? I just reinstalled Acro 5 and the Readme says this should work (there was something about closing and reopening the document before printing to PDF - I tried it, but no luck)

Any ideas for me



Don;t know if this helps your tasty dilemma or not, but I finally discovered that I could save a Word doscument as a postscript file and then create a PDF from that. Good luck.

Rob Schneider

Are you using the special Adobe Acrobat tools added into Word which does
these things? These links won't come out by making a simple PDF file
via Disatiller or PDFWriter. You have to run the Adobe Add-in. I don't
have ADobe 5.0 running anymore and can't think the name of it, but it
will be a toolbar and/or menus added to Word after it's properly
installed. This tool has the settings to setup and create this sort of
thing (and others).

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Graham Mayor

As Rob says, and as explained in your other thread on the topic, you must
use the add-in to preserve the links.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

Web site www.gmayor.com
Word MVP web site www.mvps.org/word
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Dale Wood

I'm having a similar problem in that links to external documents, sites, and
TOC links are not created; cross references within the document do. I am
using PDFMaker 5, Acrobat 5, Word XP.

Any ideas?

Kevin Harper

I believe Acrobat 5 does not work correctlly with Word XP. You need to use
Acrobat 6 / PDFMaker 6. One caveat. If you need to create additional links
/ bookmarks once the document is converted, Acrobat 6 appears to have a
problem with relative links - it makes them all absolute! This obviously
causes chaos if you distribute your linked pdfs to others.

One way around this, although Adobe say it can't / shouldn't be done, is to
have both Acrobats 5 and 6 on your machine, then you can go from XP to PDF
with PDF maker 6, "reduce the file size" in Acrobat 6, then open the PDF in
Acrobat 5 to add your additional links.

Hope this helps

Kevin Harper


I fight the same problems almost a year.
I use Acrobat 6 and Word-2000 on Win-2000.
I lost all the hope I had.

Graham Mayor

Provided you have the latest update, Acrobat 5 worked with Word 2002 (XP)
but it predates Word 2003 and its installation routine does not understand
the different folder construction and thus the add-in can find itself either
not installed or in the wrong folder to work with Word 2003. Upgrading 2002
to 2003 causes the add-in to be moved to the correct folder (or should).

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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Chad DeMeyer

At least with Acrobat 5 (I haven't looked at 6 yet), you can change several
options, including whether or not various kind of links in a Word document
are included in the PDF, by running the "DoPrefsForm" macro in Word


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