word print dialog box delay



I am using XP sp2 and word 2000 and have the following symptoms:

- when opening a word doc and trying to print - file, print... - the title
bar flashes and continues to flash unless i click another item (make the word
instance not active) and click the word instance again - the dialog box will

- this only occurs the first time word is started. and does not occur again
as long as i keep that instance of word. if i close word and open again, then
it happens again.

- if i start word without a document (e.g. new document), then open another
document even one that i opened up word with above, the problem does not

any ideas? it almost seems like word is trying to do something or waiting on

thank you...



Thank you...i did the live update but it didn't fix the
problem but disabling the office plug-in worked...

thank you...

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