word document



I have a question about saving the content of a word documents to an sql

I have a windows app where is is possible to open a word document, created
as a form. The user can then modify the document. Before closing or saving
the document I catch the event. In this event I would like to save the
content of the document into a databse. For example, the user can enter a
title, a name, check some checkbox and enter some text into the document.
This is what I want to save. How do I do this?

Maby the best way is not to use windows form?

I also would like to be able to save the apperance of the text, if it is
bold or in some colour. Is this possible?

Thanks a lot

Nick Malik [Microsoft]

Please. Please. Please... use Infopath for this.

The form is completely under your control. The fields are the only things
saved. You can add programming code to the buttons or just call web
services (a built-in capability).

Using word as a forms tool is just plain painful when there are tools like
Infopath around.

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.


Save the MS Word document itself in the database [blob].
Or perhaps i think there would be some utility to do
InfoPath -> MsWord and/or vice versa.

(Plus with new Office all docs are going to be saved in XML, that is
going to be very very helpful in many ways)

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