Word and Excell



I am trying to import an excell table into a word doc. Is there a way to do
this and keep the formulas???


Are you pasting the excel data or using paste link? If you paste link the
object as Excel, you will keep the original formulas and data. Or are you
trying to simply bring over the formulas and use them in a word table? I need
a little more explanation.....


I am making an Invoice for our business. I made just the basic excel table
with formulas to add certain columns. Just basic Information. When I copied
and pasted the it table into word none of the formulas went with it and there
doesn't seem to be a way to enter them in once it is in Word. Do you get
what I mean? It is really hard to explain this lol


Yes can copy the Cell range and use Paste Special and clickaste link in
Microsoft Word.

If you have very simple formulas then you can follow this procedure:

If you use mathematical function, you have to view Word tables similar to
Microsoft Excel speadsheet.
For example, The column headings of Excel is A,B,C and so on, will have to
considered the simlar way when you work in Word Table. And the way you
refernce the cells in Excel will be the same in Word too.

Assuming that you have three columns, and you want the product of column 1
and two in column three. you will enter the fomula this way:

1. Place the insertion point in Column three.
2. Press Ctrl+9 to create the braces{}.
3. Enter the formula inside the brace by preceding with the symbol "="
The formula you enter should like this {=A1*B1}. You can brackets to specify
the order of caluclation.
4. Press F9 to recalculate the product details to display the current value.

Challa Prabhu

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