I need to make a math worksheet, and the fractions need to be number over
line over number. I have tried using the equation editor - I press CTRL F9,
enter in my information {EQ\f(1/8)} to get the fraction 1/8, but that's all I
see. What should I be doing? I pressed SHIFT F9 and what I had typed
disappeared. I have installed Microsoft Equation, and I have used the help
menu. I made sure Field Codes was unchecked in the tool - options - view
menu. I have done everything I know to do, what am I doing wrong?
line over number. I have tried using the equation editor - I press CTRL F9,
enter in my information {EQ\f(1/8)} to get the fraction 1/8, but that's all I
see. What should I be doing? I pressed SHIFT F9 and what I had typed
disappeared. I have installed Microsoft Equation, and I have used the help
menu. I made sure Field Codes was unchecked in the tool - options - view
menu. I have done everything I know to do, what am I doing wrong?