Word 2002 Causing DCOM Error?


Rob Petrie

I am running Windows Xp Home(SP1)with Works Suite 2004.
In Works Suite I have Word 2002 available. I am
receiving the following error in system event viewer
which begins logging as soon as I connect to DSL and logs
continuously every couple of minutes until I disconnect
from DSL.

The system event viewer error detail for
the DCOM 1003 error is:

"Access Denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using
Default Launch Permission. The server is:
{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. The user is
Unavailable/Unavailable SID=Unavailable."

I was able to determine that the server referred to in
this error is "winword.exe" located in my Programs folder
although Word 2002 is not invoked at the time. The
computer seems to work OK during this error logging
(browsing etc.) as does Word if I launch it.
I can't seem to find any specific references to this
error on the internet or in MS KB. I am also concerned
about security with this.

Can someone tell me if this is a error I should be
concerned about and also if there is a way of
stopping/fixing it.

Thanks for any assistance in advance!


I have no answer for you, but I am experiencing the same problem. It
fills up the event viewer with that DCOM message. In my case it is
effecting the performance of the PC. I am running Windows 200o
Professional though.


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