Won't Restart



I can't seem to get this computer (running windows XP it is a compaq
presario) to restart, ever with clicking start->turn off->restart or
ctrl+alt+delete. Any suggestions?

Menno Hershberger

I can't seem to get this computer (running windows XP it is a compaq
presario) to restart, ever with clicking start->turn off->restart or
ctrl+alt+delete. Any suggestions?

What happens when you try to restart? Does it act like it's going to and
then doesn't? That's happened to me and I just went back to start, shut
down, and restart again, and then it worked. I later discovered that the
cause was one of the programs I had left running... in my case "X-News"
(which you probably have never heard of). Anyway, try closing anything you
might have running before you try the restart.

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