won't boot - no beep code



I know "my computer won't boot" has been posted a million times, but I
didn't find someone with the exact same symptoms. I have a Gigabyte
7VAXP-ultra which refused to boot up this morning. All fans come on
(graphics card, CPU, chipset), but no display, no beep codes, no POST,
just sits there. After a few seconds there's some buzzing coming from
the speakers then that goes away too. I have tried disconnecting power
from every drive, taken out all PCI cards, I even removed the CPU just
to see if it goes into POST or at least give me a few beeps for
troubleshoot codes. Nothing. Someone please help, I'm even
entertaining the idea of taking it to Crapusa. I don't normally trust
those idiots to do anything technical, but at this point I don't have
any parts to troubleshoot and buying one of everything just to
troubleshoot isn't practical.

The system is AMD XP2000+, 256MB of Crucial PC2700 RAM, BFG 4200Ti 8x
AGP, 80gb Baracuda+80gb WD, Pacific Digital Mach 48 CDRW, Mad Dog 16x

Please help, I really don't want to take it into Crapusa.

Dave C.

AMD'r said:
Check the power supply, sounds like it could be toast...

The CPU is what causes a computer to post, and will give "beep" codes if it
finds something wrong during post. The sequence is roughly . . .

CPU checks for good power (if power OK)...
CPU starts running POST program stored in BIOS
If problems found during POST, CPU will do whatever the BIOS POST program
tells it to do. If beep code is called for, then you will get a beep code.
Or, you might get an error message displayed on your monitor, IF the POST
gets that far.

The OP computer is not running POST. So as AMD'r suggested, power supply is
a likely suspect. Next would be bad CPU or (less likely) something wrong
with the motherboard. -Dave


I would also make sure that the CMOS settings are cleared.
If this is a "jumperless" MB, then any initial garbage in
the CMOS could be miss-setting the CPU.


Don't many of the "modern" MB's, have a chip which acts like a watchdog
timer? If the CPU doesn't start up, that chip will force a "BAD CPU"
beep ?????

William W. Plummer

Walt said:
I would also make sure that the CMOS settings are cleared.
If this is a "jumperless" MB, then any initial garbage in
the CMOS could be miss-setting the CPU.
Good suggestion. I believe a lightning strike cleared my CMOS memory once
with the result that it simply wouldn't boot. Be sure to unplug (not just
turn off) the computer before discharging the CMOS NVRAM.


Okay, after my original post and before reading your replies, I
noticed that 3 capacitors near the audio/game port were all bulged out
at the top and the coil next to them is extremely hot. I can only
assume by that the power regulation is bad. Whether the CPU is bad I
don't know. It doesn't heat up even though the fans and drives are all
running after power on, but it could be because it's not getting
power. I e-mailed Gigabyte and the vendor where I purchased it, so far
no reply from either and I'm not holding my breath since it's been
over a year. I've already ordered a new KT600 board from Newegg. I
just hope the CPU is still good, otherwise I'll be forced to upgarde
to a 400FSB XP3000.

I'll still try to clear the CMOS, but physical damage on the board
leads me to beleive the problem is more permanent. Years of computer
building, this is the most expensive board I've ever bought and it's
the first one that broke before I upgraded!


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