wmf appearance or non-appearance in Outline view



hi all,

i noticed a little quirk which is becoming an annoyance to me. hopefully
it's a reflection of me not doing something right, which can be rectify with
some help/advice from the group.

if i Paste Special -> Picture (Window Metafile) a single picture, i can see
this picture in the Outline view but if i Paste Special -> Picture (Window
Metafile) a selection of image, which i did by shift+left-click and copy,
then no image was seen in the Outline view. i have revert to Print Layout
View to see my graphs/pictures.

is this a known issue or am i not doing something right? if this is a known
issue then i would make a mental note of it and won't be repeating the
mistake. as it is, it's too late to re-copy and paste all my graphics now,
only the from hereon.

but if i am not doing something right and something can be done to make the
images visible, i would appreciate advice/help/pointers.

thank you,

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?eHBwdXNlcg==?=,

Well, the one thing I know of which would consistently make some pictures show
in Outline (as well as Normal) view, and others not, would be if the pictures
are formatted with textflow formatting, or as "Inline with text". The former
will never show; the latter always will.
i noticed a little quirk which is becoming an annoyance to me. hopefully
it's a reflection of me not doing something right, which can be rectify with
some help/advice from the group.

if i Paste Special -> Picture (Window Metafile) a single picture, i can see
this picture in the Outline view but if i Paste Special -> Picture (Window
Metafile) a selection of image, which i did by shift+left-click and copy,
then no image was seen in the Outline view. i have revert to Print Layout
View to see my graphs/pictures.

is this a known issue or am i not doing something right? if this is a known
issue then i would make a mental note of it and won't be repeating the
mistake. as it is, it's too late to re-copy and paste all my graphics now,
only the from hereon.

but if i am not doing something right and something can be done to make the
images visible, i would appreciate advice/help/pointers.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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