
I get the following error message when i start up
windowss xp home: WJView Error and then in the box it
says Error:java.lang.NoClassDefFondError. I would like
to fix what ever is causing this to happen. Can anyone
help me.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

You might want to remove the Microsoft Virtual Machine, which Microsoft no longer supports,
in favor of the more recent Sun Microsystems' JVM. To remove the Microsoft VM,
perform the following steps:

1. From the Start menu, select Run.
2. Enter the command:
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection java.inf,UnInstall
to start the uninstall process.
3. Click Yes to the confirmation, then select Reboot.
4. After the machine restarts, delete the following items:
The %systemroot%java folder
The java.pnf from the %systemroot%inf folder
The jview.exe and wjview.exe from the %systemroot%system32 folder
The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftJava VM registry subkey
ExplorerAdvancedOptionsJAVA_VM registry subkey (to remove the Microsoft
Internet Explorer (IE) options)

Now you can get latest JVM from Sun!

Download Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v 1.4.2 (J2SE)

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


"Clint" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message:

| I get the following error message when i start up
| windowss xp home: WJView Error and then in the box it
| says Error:java.lang.NoClassDefFondError. I would like
| to fix what ever is causing this to happen. Can anyone
| help me.

Ramesh [MVP]

It *might* be due to an ad-ware called WebSavings [TopMoxie]. WJView is the commandline loader for Java. WebSavings adds the entry at startup and loads the Java Class file present in the ad-ware's folder. The entry would be present in the following registry location:

Value: "WebSavingsfromEbates"
Data: wjview /cp:p "C:\Program Files\WebSavingsfromEbates\System\Code" Main lp: "C:\Program Files\WebSavingsfromEbates"

First, use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs to uninstall this adware. If this does not help,

Clicking Start/Run/"regedit" and click OK.
Browse to the key:
In the right pane, delete the value called 'WebSavingsfromEbates'.
Exit the registry editor and restart Windows.

Delete the following folders and subfolders:
C:\Program Files\WebSavingsfromEbates\

(Includes 3-4 subfolders]

Run Ad-Aware [download from www.lavasoftusa.com] and update it (important). Run a full system scan.

In Internet Explorer, you will also see a context-menu item named "WebSavings". Remove it using ToolbarCop:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Computer viruses: description, prevention, and recovery:

I get the following error message when i start up
windowss xp home: WJView Error and then in the box it
says Error:java.lang.NoClassDefFondError. I would like
to fix what ever is causing this to happen. Can anyone
help me.

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