


Every time I boot up(Windows XP) I get an error message
from WJVIEW (whatever that is) saying that Windows cannot
find the main file in WJviewer. I have no idea what
WJViewer is; I can't find such a file in Windows
Explorer. The only clue I have is when I review the
likst of non-critiical updates thate is something I don't
understand for people who do not have XP to download a
Journal Viewer. I don't understand what is going on.

The Reverend XP

This is the command line iterpreter for Microsofts Virtual
Machine. It is found in your windows\system32 folder.
There isn't any need to have this started at every boot.
go>start\run and type in msconfig and then look at the
startup tab and uncheck anything you don't need or want to
start at bootup. good luck.

Alex Nichol

Corinne said:
Every time I boot up(Windows XP) I get an error message
from WJVIEW (whatever that is) saying that Windows cannot
find the main file in WJviewer.

The startup is trying to run a Java program that has been deleted -
WJView is the launcher for the Java engine. There seems to be some
trojan around of this sort, and the AV programs remove the Java file
without removing the entry to run the WJView and launch it: hence the
error message. Start - Run - MSConfig and in the Startup page look for
a line for WJView as command and uncheck it

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