Wizard style pages



I need to produce a series of C# aspx web forms that will collect insurance
application information.

The sequence of the pages needs to change dependent on choices that are made
on the forms.

I forsee it looking like a wizard style screen with back and forward buttons
and a series of questions.

Could anyone give me any links to tutorials or information that could help
me to get my head around how to do it as I'm a bit of a newbie!!

Many thanks


Ric Castagna


A couple options come to my mind...

A) User "modal" style windows and pass the information from form to
form using querystring parameters. This would most resemble a Windows
Wizard type of environment.

B) programmatically show/hide panels and controls on a single web

You will still have some hurdles to overcome. In both cases you'll
need to evaluate the proper criteria in order to show the proper next
"screen". This could be problematic for the wizard environment as the
postback from form1.aspx will need to evaluate all the data, determine
the next screen to show, package up the existing form's info and send
it to the next form. Of course, that next form will need to have
buckets to hold all the incoming data from the sending form. You can
see, this could become a big, big undertaking.

The second option is a bit easier to handle as all the pertinent data
will be held within a single form and therefore easily evaluated and
stored for displaying the panels and ultimately saving the data off to
a database.

I'm sure there are more options out there, but hopefully this will get
you started on the path.

Take care,


Many thanks Ric

Sounds like I've got many late nights and lots of thick books to read !!!

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