WinXP Home - Changing "C:\Program Files" to "D:\Program Files"


Mr. Ghost

How do I change the default location for file
installation from "C:\Program Files" to "D:\Program

I know I have seen this done in Windows 2000 at work.

Also if it is possible can I transfer already installed
programs or will I have to uninstall then reinstall them.

Thorsten Matzner

Mr. Ghost said:
How do I change the default location for file
installation from "C:\Program Files" to "D:\Program
I know I have seen this done in Windows 2000 at work.
Also if it is possible can I transfer already installed
programs or will I have to uninstall then reinstall them.

You could change this by adjusting the Registry settings manually
(scan for C:\PROGRAM FILES, change to D:\PROGRAM FILES). However, as
some installers do not query the Registry but simply assume that
C:\PROGRAM FILES is used, this will not prevent you from checking
installation paths when installing new software.
Therefore I recommend that you change this manually when you install a
program. Most applications provide a "Custom" setup option where you
can adjust the target folder.
To move applications: move the files to D, then reinstall the program
on top of the moved files to adjust the settings in your Windows

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