WinXP Doesn't Recognize Hardware


Brian Austin

When I plug a WinXP compatible device into my USB port my system sees the
device but categorizes it as an 'Unknown Device". Repeated efforts to
manually select the correct drivers have fail (the oem web cite does not
provide separate drivers because it's winxp compatible and therefore the
system is suppose to recognize it). Any suggestions? Thanks

Michael T

Two things come to mind.

1) Have you installed either SP1 or SP2, because I seem to recall you need
an "SP" for USB2.0 support. Assuming of course that you even need USB2.0

2) Do you have another USB device (like a printer) using another USB port
successfully? If yes try it on the USB port in question to see if it is

Brian Austin

Thanks for the reply. SP2 is installed and yes I've connected other devices
to the usb ports, all is in order and working fine. For some reason my
system will just not recognize the usb 2.0 high-speed hub. As background,
my system use to recognize the hub but for some reason it suddenly stopped
(I verified the hub is still good by hooking it to a different computer
where it works fine). I'm completely baffled and confused at this problem.
Thanks again.

Lucio Cicuto

"Baffled and confused"! Make that 2 of us. My USB devices 1.1 and 2 were
working perfectly until I upgraded to WinXP SP2. Now my USB 2 devices work
when they feel like it. About 2% of the time. I have tried just about every
combination but have yet to figure out why about 2% of the time I plug my
external USB 120Gb HDD it works.

I get same error "Unknown Device". If I go into Device Manager and disable
the Enhanced Host controller, it sees the HDD but as a 1.1 device and it
"smartly" tells me it would work faster if I plugged it in a USB 2 port.

This site is filled with SP2 - USB2 issues. I wish Microsoft would look at
this forum once in a while. Sorry for my whining, but I'm hoping sharing
some of this info would light a bulb in someone that could help resolve


R. C. White

Hi, Brian.

When SP2 installs the newer drivers, it seems to do an imperfect job of
removing the older ones. :>(

In Device Manager, click View | Show Hidden Devices. Look for any older USB
devices - they probably have error symbols in front of them and they may be
under System Devices, rather than the main USB heading. Uninstall these.
That should let WinXP concentrate on using the newer drivers listed under


Lucio Cicuto

I did that. I tried all the other tips suggested by other members here. I
removed ALL USB devices, plugged them back in, etc. No help. Everything I
seem to read, including documentation that comes with the hardware is that
no drivers are needed. They are included with WinXP.

This really appears to be a Plug-N-Play issue with recognizing USB devices.

Thanks for your suggestion anyway.


Brian Austin

Thanks for the suggestion, I did as you said and found the only hidden item
was something totally unrelated to the usb. The end result of this process
brought me right back to where I started, my hub is an unknown device.
Thanks again. Brian

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