WinXP boot very slow...


Bonato Pierantonio

Hi All,
I have a problem with my notebook Compaq Pentium 4 3.06GHz 1Gb Ram and 40Gb
HDD with Windows XP PRO SP2.

The boot process are very slow (it takes about 3 minutes before to be ready
at startup)

I try to do a lot af thing without results.
A. Install all the patches from WindowsUpdate
B. Check Antivirus AntiSpy and AntiAdAware without problem
C. Using 3rd part software to clean Registry and Defrag Registry
D. Defrag HDD
nothing make better situation.

Some one can help me? Thanks
Bonato Pierantonio


On which part does the Bootprocess hang up?

When it hangs on "Aplaying Computer Settings" it could be a Service Problem
that a Service couldn't start you can check this in the Event Lock.


Bonato Pierantonio

The system is not hangs, it boot correctly. There is not error in the Event
It start but after appear the main desktop it still wait some minute before
it became ready.



This may be a long shot, but using the Device Manager, check the properties
for any IDE controllers for the hard drive and any CD or DVD drives. Using
the "Advanced Settings" tab, make sure any devices attached to them are
using a DMA (not PIO) mode. If necessary, change the transfer mode to "DMA
if available" and enable DMA/UDMA/Ultra DMA mode in the computer's BIOS.
I'm assuming your computer is new enough that all drives support DMA, but
otherwise you would have to replace them.

For some reason, negotiating the PIO mode on any drive really slows down the
startup of Windows XP.


Ken Blake

Bonato Pierantonio said:
I have a problem with my notebook Compaq Pentium 4 3.06GHz 1Gb
and 40Gb HDD with Windows XP PRO SP2.

The boot process are very slow (it takes about 3 minutes before
to be
ready at startup)

My personal view is that the attention many people pay to how
long it takes to boot is unwarranted. Assuming that the speed is
otherwise satisfactory, it may not be worth worrying about. Most
people start their computers once a day or even less frequently.
In the overall scheme of things, even a few minutes to start up
isn't very important. Personally I power on my computer when I
get up in the morning, then go get my coffee. When I come back,
it's done booting. I don't know how long it took to boot and I
don't care.

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