WinForms UI Thread Safety (Controls) & Events



I'm quite sure this is the case, but I'd like to consult to be sure:

If I have a UI which subscribes to a bunch of events which any of a number
of threads could trigger... and the UI's event handlers will update that UI's
controls, then the control updates _are_ done on the UI thread... correct?



Timofey Kazakov

Hello, "Andrew"
I'm quite sure this is the case, but I'd like to consult to be sure:

If I have a UI which subscribes to a bunch of events which any of a number
of threads could trigger... and the UI's event handlers will update that UI's
controls, then the control updates _are_ done on the UI thread... correct?

All control updates must be done in UI thread. So if you have event handler that could invoked from another thread - you need to switch to UI thread through Control.Invoke method.

As another case you can create RealProxy wrapper and all method of MarshalByRefObject will be invoked on UI thread transparently:

class Program : MarshalByRefObject
static Program instance;

void Test()

static void Main(string[] args)
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Thread";

//all method's called through instance whil be done on main thread.
instance = (Program) ApartmentProxy.Marshal(new Program());

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadStart));

//this sample based on APC (asynchronous procedure call), so we need periodically to call Thread.Sleep(0) on working thread

//Thread method
static void ThreadStart()
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Child Thread";

Console.WriteLine("Calling instance.Test");

// this method will be invoked on main thread

//ApartmentProxy implementation
public class ApartmentProxy : RealProxy
delegate void ApcHandler(IntPtr param);

extern static IntPtr GetCurrentThreadId();

extern static bool QueueUserAPC(ApcHandler hadler, IntPtr thread, IntPtr param);

extern static IntPtr GetCurrentThread();

extern static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

extern static bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);

extern static bool DuplicateHandle(IntPtr sourceProcessHandle,
IntPtr sourceHandle, IntPtr targetProcessHandle,
out IntPtr targetHandle, uint desiredAccess, bool inheritHandle,
uint dwOptions);

private class ApartmentMessage
private ApartmentProxy _proxy;
private IMessage _source;
private IMessage _result;

private ApartmentMessage(ApartmentProxy proxy, IMessage source) {
_proxy = proxy;
_source = source;

private static void UserApcHandler(IntPtr param)
GCHandle messageHandle = (GCHandle)param;
ApartmentMessage This = (ApartmentMessage)messageHandle.Target;
try {
IMethodCallMessage mcm = This._source as IMethodCallMessage;

if (mcm != null) {
This._result = RemotingServices.ExecuteMessage(This._proxy.GetUnwrappedServer(), mcm);
else {
This._result = This._proxy.InitializeServerObject((IConstructionCallMessage) This._source);
finally {

public static IMessage ExecuteAppratmentMessage(ApartmentProxy proxy, IMessage msg)
ApartmentMessage appMessage = new ApartmentMessage(proxy, msg);

GCHandle messageHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(appMessage);
ApcHandler apcHandler = new ApcHandler(UserApcHandler);

bool bResult = QueueUserAPC(apcHandler, proxy._ownedThread, (IntPtr)messageHandle);


return appMessage._result;

internal IntPtr _ownedThread;
internal AutoResetEvent _event;

private ApartmentProxy(Type serverType)
: base (serverType)
IntPtr currentThread = GetCurrentThread();
IntPtr currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
DuplicateHandle(currentProcess, currentThread, currentProcess, out _ownedThread, 0, false, 2);

_event = new AutoResetEvent(false);

private ApartmentProxy(MarshalByRefObject mbr)
: this (mbr.GetType())

if (_ownedThread != IntPtr.Zero) {

public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
IConstructionCallMessage ccm = msg as IConstructionCallMessage;
if (ccm != null) {
RealProxy.SetStubData(this, GetCurrentThreadId());
return InitializeServerObject(ccm);
lock (typeof(ApartmentMessage))
return ApartmentMessage.ExecuteAppratmentMessage(this, msg);

public static MarshalByRefObject Marshal(MarshalByRefObject obj)
return (MarshalByRefObject) new ApartmentProxy(obj).GetTransparentProxy();

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Andrew said:
I'm quite sure this is the case, but I'd like to consult to be sure:

If I have a UI which subscribes to a bunch of events which any of a number
of threads could trigger... and the UI's event handlers will update that UI's
controls, then the control updates _are_ done on the UI thread... correct?

No - events naturally occur in the thread which raises them, not the
thread which subscribes to them. You need to make sure you only access
the UI in the UI thread.

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