Windows XP



I have installed Windows XP on my computer and I can not uninstall Windows
Millennium because it came with the computer. I need to uninstall XP as
there is no more space on my Disk D. Can someone help me uninstall XP?


In Jinty had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I have installed Windows XP on my computer and I can not uninstall
Windows Millennium because it came with the computer. I need to
uninstall XP as there is no more space on my Disk D. Can someone help
me uninstall XP?

Depending on how you did it...

You can just delete it and modify the boot order and hope that the boot.ini
exists after.

You can just delete the Win ME install and modify the boot.ini so that it no
longer exists.

You can just clean something else off of the PC.

You can get another HDD and mount it in there as a slave and have a whole
bunch of new space.

As you still have ME you probably didn't install it as an upgrade, if you
had or did then that's the only "uninstall" path - you could roll back to
the original installated OS.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and
its solution is its own reward." - Sherlock Holmes

Bruce Chambers

Jinty said:
I have installed Windows XP on my computer and I can not uninstall Windows
Millennium because it came with the computer. I need to uninstall XP as
there is no more space on my Disk D. Can someone help me uninstall XP?

The normal way to "uninstall" any operating system is to format
the hard drive and install a new OS of your choice.

Only if you performed an upgrade from Win98/Me, elected to backup
the old system files, and didn't convert the partition to NTFS, can
you then boot into Safe Mode and click Start > Control Panel
Add/Remove Programs. All of these conditions must be met for the
uninstall option to be available.


How to Manually Remove Win XP and Restore Win9x;EN-US;q314052


Bruce Chambers

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