
Someone tried to reinstall Windows XP on my computer, because my homepage was highjacked and I could not access the internet. It keeps asking me to activate with microsoft and no matter, yes or no, I can't access anything. I have no icons on my desktop and no Start button. Can someone please advise. I do not want to loose the files I have on my computer. thank you!

Chris Casmirr


oh dear you have made the classic mistake of installing xp over xp, back in the days of win 98 that was ok but not with x

any way the solution is this . useyour windows key to get the start menue up, select my computer then C: drive
then program files, you will find all your programs are still there you can now create shortcuts to your desk to

as for the taskbar not been there you will either need to set the resolution higher and / or set your monitor u

you said some one had high jacked your home page you should have used spy boy and adaware

hope this help


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