Windows XP Won't Start



Harrison said:
On Saturday, when I went to start my computer, I noticed
that I could not get into Windows. It will come upon a
screen that asks me if I want to start Windows normally
or in safe mode. No luck. The computer would start to
load and then reset the computer. This is extremely

Try a boot into Safe Mode, by hitting F8 just before the "Starting
Windows" screen would appear (takes a bit of practice).


On Saturday, when I went to start my computer, I noticed
that I could not get into Windows. It will come upon a
screen that asks me if i want to start Windows normally
or in safe mode. No luck. The computer would start to
load and then reset the computer. This is extremely
frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
On Saturday, when I went to start my computer, I noticed
that I could not get into Windows. It will come upon a
screen that asks me if i want to start Windows normally
or in safe mode. No luck. The computer would start to
load and then reset the computer. This is extremely
frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

im not shure, but, this usually os work of a virus, it
delates all your .ini and it just wont start windows whit
that disketes; anyway, i had the same problem a time ago,
now, if u see the light of ur cd room dont turn off, it
means u have a conflict, if u know some hardware, try
opening ur pc(turn it off, hehe) disconect the cables of
ur cd room then start ur pc again, if it was that, ur pc
will work again, then run a scan disk, after that, shout
down ur pc, conect again ur cd room and start again ur
pc, if it get stuck again, i recomend u to actualize the
drivers. anyway, i could be wrong...but it worked for me


Hi dev,

In microsoft.public.windowsxp.general you remarked...
Harrison said:

Try a boot into Safe Mode, by hitting F8 just before the "Starting
Windows" screen would appear (takes a bit of practice).
Odd... it appears to me that you posted your reply 53 mins before the op
asked his question.

A steady tapping of the F8 key during boot makes it easier, but the op did
mention that he was presented with Start Normal or Safe modes... maybe Last
Good is not an option which may mean a repair install is required.


Repair Install:

Boot from the XP cd, and when prompted hit enter to begin setup. Press F8 to
accept the license agreement. It will then search and find your existing XP
install. Select it, and choose R for repair. Back up any important data
files in case something goes wrong.


Hi purplehaz,

In microsoft.public.windowsxp.general you remarked...
Back up any important data files in case something goes wrong.

Easier said than done If he can't actually get into windows.

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