Windows XP times out DSL connection



I have two computers connected to a DSL modem through a router. One computer
works fine, remaining connected to the 'net as long as the computer is

The other computer, however, times out and drops the internet connection
after one to two hours of inactivity. This computer had recently crashed due
to a massive spyware infestation and the system had to be wiped and Windows
XP Home reinstalled (according to all new scans, the spyware did not return).

Based on the solid connection with the other computer and with a test
laptop, I'm pretty sure the problem isn't in the DSL or router. My guess is,
the new XP home install reset something (in TCP/IP? DHCP? ???) that causes
the time out. A reboot will restore the connection.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance for any



I have two computers connected to a DSL modem through a router. One computer
works fine, remaining connected to the 'net as long as the computer is

The other computer, however, times out and drops the internet connection
after one to two hours of inactivity. This computer had recently crashed due
to a massive spyware infestation and the system had to be wiped and Windows
XP Home reinstalled (according to all new scans, the spyware did not return).

Based on the solid connection with the other computer and with a test
laptop, I'm pretty sure the problem isn't in the DSL or router. My guess is,
the new XP home install reset something (in TCP/IP? DHCP? ???) that causes
the time out. A reboot will restore the connection.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance for any



If you have a timeout issue, after system re install, check the power setting
for the network adapter.


Thanks for the reply, Chuck. However, I can't find any configuration wizard
for the ethernet card. When I go to properties on the Local Area Connection,
there is no power management tab, either for the connection or the network
card. Is there some other place / way I can get to the power management tab?


Thanks for the reply, Chuck. However, I can't find any configuration wizard
for the ethernet card. When I go to properties on the Local Area Connection,
there is no power management tab, either for the connection or the network
card. Is there some other place / way I can get to the power management tab?


From Local Area Connection Properties, what's in the "Connect using:" window?
Did you hit the Configure button to its right? What tabs do you have then?

And please type your answers after mine.

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