Windows XP shell32.dll



I'm trying to Repair Windows XP Home Edition on my Dell
Inspirion Laptop (for the 10th+ time). It will not copy
several dll's - always shell32.dll. Is there somewhere I
can download this dll. System won't work correctly
without it for very long - if at all.

OR is there a way after repair that I can try to extract
that dll from the installation disk?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


There is a quicker fix by using SFC /SCANNOW from a command prompt

1) Open start menu and select ru
2) Type in CMD then press enter. A black box that looks like DOS will open
3) At the blinking curser type in sfc /scannow then hit enter. should look like this

C:\Documents and Settings\Users name>sfc /scanno

This will replace or repair any system .dll files. A lot quicker then a reinstall or using the restore feature.

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