windows xp professional


jim n

i cannot sign in as my computer is not aknowledgeinng my password. i was
changing the computer fromm an office work station to my home I deleted
referces to the network and when i rebooted i cannot log on as myself or
administrator. what can i do>


jim said:
i cannot sign in as my computer is not aknowledgeinng my password. i was
changing the computer fromm an office work station to my home I deleted
referces to the network and when i rebooted i cannot log on as myself or
administrator. what can i do>

You broke the domain relationship by doing that. You need to bring the
computer back to the office and have your IT Dept. rejoin it to the domain.


Bruce Chambers

jim said:
i cannot sign in as my computer is not aknowledgeinng my password. i was
changing the computer fromm an office work station to my home I deleted
referces to the network and when i rebooted i cannot log on as myself or
administrator. what can i do>

By changing the computer from the domain to a workgroup, you
destroyed the trust between the domain and the machine. In doing so,
you've also rendered your domain login credentials as invalid. You'll
need to be physically connected to the domain network, you'll need to
have administrative privileges to the workstation, and you'll need to
have sufficient privileges on the domain. Then you can add the machine
back on to the domain, after having first deleted the computer's old
domain account (unless you've also renamed the computer).

Take the computer to your company's IT department for repairs.


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


jim said:
i cannot sign in as my computer is not aknowledgeinng my password. i was
changing the computer fromm an office work station to my home I deleted
referces to the network and when i rebooted i cannot log on as myself or
administrator. what can i do>

My guess is that there are no local accounts to which you were given
their password. You've been using domain accounts at work.

So when you moved the host from work to home, are you still connecting
back to your company's network, like through a VPN? Or are you no
longer connecting to the work domain? If not using the work domain to
login, you will need to logon locally. It is highly likely that you
were never given the password to the local Administrator account (under
which you could define your own local Windows account under which to
normally login).

Before you were logging into a domain. You may have even been granted
administrator rights on that particular host but that was defined in the
domain. Now you are no longer on that domain so you have to login using
local accounts. Unless you were given the local Administrator account's
password (not your domain password), you can't login. You'll have to
find out if your IT folks are willing to divulge whatever common
password they use for local Administrator accounts. If they won't,
you'll have to take the host back to work and let them change to some
generic password on the local Administrator account (that you can change
later). Then you can use that new password to log under the local
Administrator account (change its password) and create new local

Hard to say what to do since taking the host to "home" doesn't say what,
if anything, you will doing with that host. Even if using a VPN to
connect to your company's network from your home, you'll still need a
local account under which you can login (so you can start the VPN). You
won't be on their domain when you need to load the VPN to connect to
their network to then get onto their domain.

When logging on as Administrator, are you logging on as
<domain>\Administrator or <hostname>\Administrator? One is the
Administrator account defined in the work domain. The other would be
the local Administrator account on that host with its hostname. If
using the classic login screen (i.e., NOT the Fisher-Price Welcome
Screen), what is selected in the "Log on to" field? Since you're at
home, it can't be the domain name anymore. If using the Welcome Screen,
twice hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to get to the classic login screen and check the
"Log on to" field.

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