WINDOWS XP Professional Registry permission change - Problem please help


Chavan Koya


I got a problem with my computer. This problem is because of some
changes i did for registry permissions when i login as "user1". This
"user1" has Administrator previllages. By mistake i did make the
permissions for all the registry entrys form "full control" to "read"
for all entrys like "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER",
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" etc...etc. for all user groups like
"Administrator", "user1", "RESTRICTED", "SYSTEM" etc...etc. Then i did
restart my computer, i got a message like ( not exactly), the profiles
could not read and read permissions was denied for "user1" ( tryed to
login as "user1") then i clicked on "OK" to use "default" profiles.
Then machine could login, but it was not able to recognize any
executables. I could not even see the "notepad" executable as
executable program ( by looking the icon). no executable programs has
executable icon. Then i thought the problem is with the changes. I
restarted machine as in "safe mode with command prompt" then again
changed from "read" to "full control" for all registry entries and for
all user groups. Then restarted again, the profile read access problem
is gone but no programs are executables. now i was able to see
executables if i login as "user2". What might be the problem still
exists ? I think the machine was not able to read the "user1" profile
completely or partially when i login as "user1". Any suggestions,
comments are appreciated.

Thanks in advance


If you have a recent System Restore point prior to the registry changes may
be simpler to use that


Chavan Koya

Thank you for the reply. I used to have some restore points, but
after these changes all those are gone and displaying no restore
points are defined. Any ideas ?



Could try logging in in safe mode as Administrator and then create a new
administrative user account eg "User2". Then log in as "User 2" and see how
that account works. If it works ok then could copy across files etc from the
previous account and / or compare the permissions on its registry keys with
those of your other account.


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