Windows XP networking



Hello experts,

1. Can you help me find available websites to read about
steps "how can I add a new Windows XP computer to the
existing domai".
Or can you explain me necessary steps to add a new
Windows XP computer to the domain.
Please list the necessary steps to add the computer to the
domain, including how I would configure the user account
to allow the user to access network resources.

2. Can you give me references where I can get information
about diferences between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. Include
the pros and cons of upgrading from Mac OS 9 operating
system to Mac OS X.

Thank you very much.



Carey Frisch [MVP]

1. Open XP's "Help and Support", type in: DOMAIN , hit enter.
Click on the Task titled: "Join a domain".

2. Welcome to Apple Discussions

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


| Hello experts,
| 1. Can you help me find available websites to read about
| steps "how can I add a new Windows XP computer to the
| existing domai".
| Or can you explain me necessary steps to add a new
| Windows XP computer to the domain.
| Please list the necessary steps to add the computer to the
| domain, including how I would configure the user account
| to allow the user to access network resources.
| 2. Can you give me references where I can get information
| about diferences between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. Include
| the pros and cons of upgrading from Mac OS 9 operating
| system to Mac OS X.
| Thank you very much.
| Sincerely,
| Peter


Peter said:
1. Can you help me find available websites to read about
steps "how can I add a new Windows XP computer to the
existing domain".

First step: make sure you have Windows XP PRO. You can't join a domain
with XP Home.


rigth click on my computer go to properties click on
computer name tab click on change and add the domain name
in the field for domain


I've just read the simple instructions on how to add a Windows XP computer to an existing domain. Do these instructions also apply to "Windows XP Home"? I work for a small company that outsources it's MIS needs, and our technician said that because of our Sonic Wall VPN software that Windows XP Home could not be added to an existing server domain. if this is true, how frustrating. What should we do?!

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