Windows XP missing items on install


Bob and Shauna

I recently had to reformat my harddrive and reinstall Windows XP (disk does
not contain SP2, must be loaded after). It has taken a few tries as I am
informed certain files do not install and ..crash, not usually the same
files or drivers.

I have had to go through the process a few times before Windows is working
or not crashing soon after install. Right now I fear the install is missing
something and it will soon encounter a problem at the worst time.

Is there any reason this occurs? Bad CD? Bad Disc? Anyway to determine the

thanks, Bob


You clean installed, did you then install mobo chipset and other drivers
specific for your sys from the hw vendors?


Bob and Shauna said:
I recently had to reformat my harddrive and reinstall Windows XP (disk does
not contain SP2, must be loaded after). It has taken a few tries as I am
informed certain files do not install and ..crash, not usually the same
files or drivers.

Do a RAM test...
maybe that's why you thought you had to reinstall

Bruce Chambers

Bob said:
I recently had to reformat my harddrive and reinstall Windows XP (disk does
not contain SP2, must be loaded after). It has taken a few tries as I am
informed certain files do not install and ..crash, not usually the same
files or drivers.

I have had to go through the process a few times before Windows is working
or not crashing soon after install. Right now I fear the install is missing
something and it will soon encounter a problem at the worst time.

Is there any reason this occurs? Bad CD? Bad Disc? Anyway to determine the

thanks, Bob

Problems copying files or corrupted files during installation are
most often caused by defective, incompatible, or sub-standard hardware;
in order of likelihood, either RAM, the hard drive, or the motherboard.
On very rare occasions the CD drive or installation CD is the problem.

Start with testing the RAM. You might try MemTest86: It's free. Then you can download and use the
hard drive maufacturer's diagnostic utility to test the hard drive. If
both RAM and hard drive test out clean, check with the motherboard
manufacturer for any diagnostic utilities.


Bruce Chambers

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