Windows XP & Java


james w. morgan

I recieved in my Microsoft auto downloads a program named "Java" with 3
updates. What is it? Do I need it for my XP to operate properly? Does the XP
need it in association with other programs so they will operate properly?
Thanks for your help. Hames


james w. morgan,

You do want it. You don't need to do anything, it will work on it's own in
the background.

To learn more about Java, go to Google and type Define: Java. You will learn
more everything you want to know.



james w. morgan said:
I recieved in my Microsoft auto downloads a program named "Java" with 3
updates. What is it? Do I need it for my XP to operate properly? Does the
need it in association with other programs so they will operate properly?
Thanks for your help. Hames
"Java" is a programming language written by Sun Microsystems.
You don't need Java to get XP to operate.
You need Java to get some programs to operate correctly (or at all).
You should not download Java from the Windows Update site.
Instead you get it from Sun (
Only keep that latest version of Java on your computer. For some reason,
the Java installer does not remove older versions.


james said:
I recieved in my Microsoft auto downloads a program named "Java" with
3 updates. What is it? Do I need it for my XP to operate properly?
Does the XP need it in association with other programs so they will
operate properly? Thanks for your help. Hames

If you received an automatic download of Java, it was from Sun, not

It is not for Windows XP; it is for your Web browser, and you only need
it if you visit Web sites that have Java content.

james w. morgan

Daave said:
If you received an automatic download of Java, it was from Sun, not

It is not for Windows XP; it is for your Web browser, and you only need
it if you visit Web sites that have Java content.
Thank you all for your replies. James

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