Windows XP Hotfix downloads



I have downloaded several updates from windows site.
These come up when I open the add remove program window
as windows XP Hotfix ----. My question is can these be
safely removed from this window or do they have to remain
there? Any help would be appreciated.
Deb ( A newbie )


Removing Old Windows Updates:-
Folders that have uninstall as part of the name (for example
$NtUninstallKB282010$ which reside in C:\windows (hidden folders) are Window
Hot Fix Update folders/files) can be safely deleted (providing you never
wish to uninstall the updates). I would recommend leaving these folders for
a period of at least a month to make sure the update is working correctly.

These updates can be deleted individually or in multiples.

Once you have deleted the uninstall folders/files, then go to Control Panel,
Add/Remove Programs. Select the matching Windows Hotfix Title relating the
update folder/file you have just deleted and select remove. You will get a
Windows error. This is because you have deleted the uninstall folder/files.
Just choose OK and the entry will be deleted from the Add/Remove Programs


-----Original Message-----
I have downloaded several updates from windows site.
These come up when I open the add remove program window
as windows XP Hotfix ----. My question is can these be
safely removed from this window or do they have to remain
there? Any help would be appreciated.
Deb ( A newbie )
I would think they could stay there or I would remove
them to be on the safe side. Gman

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