Windows XP freeze



Windows XP Pro will freeze at sporadic times. Have done
some research and thought I had it solved. Problems have
been reported relating to USB and disk access. I
uninstalled the USB devices and the systems stayed up
during the entire time of a defrag. Then it locked up
again. Current error log shows
EventSystem The COM + Event System deteced a bad return
code during its internal processing. HRSESULT was
8007043C from line 44 of



Dave said:
Windows XP Pro will freeze at sporadic times. Have done
some research and thought I had it solved. Problems have
been reported relating to USB and disk access. I
uninstalled the USB devices and the systems stayed up
during the entire time of a defrag. Then it locked up
again. Current error log shows
EventSystem The COM + Event System deteced a bad return
code during its internal processing. HRSESULT was
8007043C from line 44 of


The problem is with the COM+ subsystem not being setup correctly. Have you
been infected with a virus? Are you infected with a virus? If so, this is
likely the cause. Probably the best solution for you is to perform a repair
installation of XP. On the other hand, it is always suggested that you look
up the technical details of every virus you are infected with. These
details are available at your virus software's website and will indicate
exactly what damage the virus does to your machine and can lead to a more
simple repair.

To perform a repair installation, you will need to boot to your XP cd. If
you boot to your XP cd and you do not get prompted to hit any key to boot to
CD and XP begins to load, then you will have to modify your boot order in
your BIOS to be able to boot to your cd.. That is unless you have a DELL
and all you have to do is hit F12 at the first screen right after turning on
your computer. You then would be presented with a choice to boot to CD or
other devices. To enter your BIOS setup, you will need to hit F1, F2, F10,
or DEL depending on your specific manufacturer's BIOS at startup. Your
screen may indicate what key to hit to enter setup or you may have to refer
to your manufacturer or users manual for the specific key to hit. Or you
could just try any of the keys I suggested until one works. Once in the
BIOS setup, look for the Boot Section and place your CD in a higher priority
placement than your hard drive. Exit the BIOS setup and save changes.

Once you are able to get the computer to boot to cd, follow the instructions
listed at;en-us;315341&Product=winxp.

I hope this helps. Good Luck

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